How To Create A Lifetime Reading Habit That Excites You

photo of woman reading a book developing a reading habit

When you’re new to reading creating a consistent reading habit can be daunting at first. Getting situated and comfortable with a new hobby that requires your undivided attention in a world of distractions is tough. However, there are some simple tricks you can utilize to build a regular reading habit that will make you excited to read and enjoy books.

How To Create A Lifetime Reading Habit

Read What You Enjoy

Perhaps the easiest way to cultivate a reading habit is to prioritize reading books and stories that spark joy. Choose genres and topics that pique your interest. For instance, if you love watching shows and movies that have an element of mystery or suspense consider picking up books from the thriller genre. Or, if you’re a sucker for a good rom-com give contemporary romance a try. The point is to focus on reading from genres that you already enjoy. Doing so will make it easier for you to dedicate time to reading and increase the likelihood that you’ll pay attention to what you’re reading.


Set Aside Time To Read

Finding time to read can feel impossible at first because life is always happening and there are a ton of responsibilities and obligations we have to tend to. That’s why it’s beneficial to create a reading schedule where you look at your schedule and find available pockets of time that you can dedicate to reading. It doesn’t have to be much. You can start by reading for thirty minutes every day before bed or read for an hour every other day. Whatever works best for you and your schedule. The important thing is to make space for this new hobby the same as you would anything else.

a black woman reading a book on her couch developing a reading habit

Remove Distractions

When you’ve finally found the time to sit down and read it’s important to remove any distractions that will divert your attention elsewhere. Put your phone on silent and place it somewhere out of reach perhaps in another room. Turn off t.v. shows that will prevent you from immersing yourself in the book. The goal is to funnel all of your time and attention to reading the book you’ve selected during the designated time you’ve chosen to read it.


Join A Book Club

There’s nothing like good old-fashioned peer pressure to motivate you and help you create a lasting reading habit. Having a deadline that you need to complete a book creates a sense of urgency. Thus making it more likely that you’ll set aside time to read and complete the book since others are depending on you to do so. Plus the added benefit of participating in a community that has the same hobby as you makes it feel less lonely and more of an interactive experience.


Explore Different Formats

Reading a physical book isn’t everyone’s jam. That’s why you should consider giving different formats a try to see what works best for you. Maybe you find that e-books are preferable and you’d like to purchase an e-reader such as the Kindle. Or, maybe audiobooks are more convenient for you because you can perform other activities while enjoying your book. Perhaps you utilize all these formats depending on what works best for you that day. Regardless, finding what format works best for you and utilizing that will help make creating a longstanding reading habit more accessible.

photo of an open book, coffee, and cookie on a blanket

Set Daily Reading Goals

Another way to make reading a habit is to create daily reading goals. For example, having a set number of pages or chapters you read for the day. Another option is to have a set amount of time that you want to spend on reading each day. Creating realistic and attainable daily reading goals will aid you in creating a consistent reading habit.


Always Keep A Book on Hand

Consider carrying a book with you at all times. That way if you find yourself experiencing a long wait at the doctor’s office, someone cancels plans or you find a pocket of space in your day you can pull out your book and get some reading time in.


Track Your Progress

There’s nothing more motivating than tracking your progress as you develop your reading habits. Ideas to monitor your progress include setting a monthly or yearly reading goal, keeping a reading journal and sharing your thoughts on the books you read as you finish them, or keeping a reading tracker that keeps track of how often you read weekly or monthly. This creates excitement about your newfound hobby making it more pleasurable and fun.


Set Realistic Reading Goals

Don’t try to start a reading habit by reading excessively long books or challenging classics that are difficult for you to comprehend or get into. It’s best to build up to these goals slowly. Instead, start with an average-length book that you can easily complete then as you progress you can transition into longer books. Also, choose easy books, light reads so you can ease your way into more complex challenging reads.

photo of a book with pages being flipped through with a cup of coffee with biscuits on a table

Discontinue Books You Aren’t Into

Don’t feel that you’re stuck reading a book. If you find that a story isn’t working for you and you’re not enjoying it don’t be afraid to stop reading it or DNF ( stands for did not finish). Reading is supposed to be an enjoyable experience don’t make it something you dread doing by reading a book you hate. There are way too many good books out there and so little time to read them all have fun with what you read!


Trade Screen Time for Reading Time

Another way to make reading a habit is to trade out the time you would normally spend binge-watching TV shows and scrolling on social media for reading. Not only will this solidify your reading habit but it will aid you in finishing books faster helping you reach your reading goals.


Trying out these tips and tricks is a surefire way to cultivate a reading habit that you not only stick to but that you enjoy and find fun and exciting. Give them a try and I guarantee you’ll become a full-fledged book fiend in no time. Happy Reading!

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