9 Brilliant Tips To Get Out of A Reading Slump

woman reading a book and holding a coffee while sitting on top of a multitude of open books tips to get out of a reading slump

I want to share my nine tips to get out of a reading slump because we’ve all experienced this frustrating phenomenon at one time or another. After my most recent reading slump, I tried these tips and they helped me get back into the groove of reading making it possible for me to catch up on my reading and surpass my reading goal for the year. Let’s get into it.


9 Tips to Get Out of a Reading Slump

DNF Books When You Dislike Them

It’s always a tough decision to DNF a book because what if it gets better or has an amazing conclusion that makes everything make sense? And then there’s the question about when to DNF a book. How do you know it’s time to put the book down and move on to something else? Here’s my motto if you’re not having a good time and you’re dreading reading the book and feel it pushing you into a slump it’s time to put it down.

Reading is supposed to be enjoyable why waste your time reading something that’s bringing you misery? If it doesn’t spark joy, pique your interest, intrigue you, or match your current mood put it away. Remember, DNF’ing a book doesn’t mean you forsake it forever. You can always do a soft DNF and come back to it later when you’re in a better mood or have the right mindset for it.

Try Reading A Short-Story Compilation or a Fast-Paced Novella

photo of book with pages being flipped through tips to get out of a reading slumpThe great thing about short stories and novellas is that they don’t require a ton of commitment. They can be read in a brief time typically in one sitting. Not only do you get the dopamine high that comes with completing reading them but it progresses you toward reaching your reading goals.

Other options for short-form literature that can aid you in breaking free of a reading slump include trying out poetry and reading poetry compilations. Again they don’t require a huge time commitment and can be finished quickly. Which can help you maintain your reading habit while enjoying poems by amazing poets.

Read A Silly Goofy Young Adult or Middle-Grade Novel

These are great options for reading slump busters because they’re easy to read and uncomplicated. They’re not bogged down with heavy themes and complex writing styles. They’re simple forms of entertainment that are fun and engaging. That’s why whenever I find myself in a reading slump I often re-read Young Adult and Middle Grade books like The Twilight Saga or The Chronicles of Narnia. These are my comfort reads and they bring me immense joy.

Another benefit of reading books from this genre is that they are usually quick reads and you don’t have a super long commitment when it comes to reading them. While many Young Adult fantasy books are a bit on the longer side you can always opt to avoid these and focus on shorter works in Young Adult Fiction.

Reduce Reading Time

Another option is to reduce the time spent reading. Maybe you’ve been a voracious reader but you’re feeling upset about life events or you’re just going through a difficult time and it’s difficult for you to find comfort and joy in reading because your mind is occupied. It’s okay to back off from spending a ton of time reading and instead opt to read in small bursts.

Maybe instead of reading for two hours a day you only read for twenty minutes before bedtime. Or, maybe you read every other day for a while until you feel up to reading for longer periods. Honor where you’re at in your current headspace and make adjustments accordingly.

Give Reading Sprints A Try

photo of a person reading a book with a tree as the backgrounReading sprints are popular in the bookish community on YouTube. Many book tubers host live reading sprints where people gather virtually to read together following the Pomodoro Method where they read for forty minutes and take a ten-minute break in between these sessions. It’s a great way to make progress towards completing books and it also provides a sense of community where you get to engage with other people that have similar interests as you. A simple search on YouTube will reveal the content creators that host reading sprints and you can watch a replay or join a future session if you choose.

Another option is to have a solo reading sprint session where you pick how long you want to read say twenty, thirty, or forty minutes, and take ten or fifteen-minute breaks in between these sessions. All you need is the timer on your phone or you can find Pomodoro apps in the app store to download and utilize.

Set Daily Reading Goals

Sometimes a great way to break out of a slump is to create more structure in your reading routine. A great way to do this is to create daily goals for you to achieve. For instance, you could set a goal to read fifty or one hundred pages each day. Or, maybe you decide to instead read for twenty or thirty minutes each day.

This can help with decreasing the pressure to read for a long time if you’re just not up to longer reading sessions. Simultaneously, it allows you to continue making progress toward your overall reading goals.

Try Reading Books from Other Genres

You may find yourself in a reading slump because you’re bored with the current genre you’re reading from. If you’ve been reading nothing but a certain genre for a long time consider experimenting and reading from another genre or subgenre. If you’re a fan of mystery thrillers explore the horror genre. Or, if you like contemporary romance try reading from the dark romance subgenre.

Testing out different genres and subgenres is an excellent way to expose yourself to different writing styles, and story types which may awaken you and bring you out of your slump.

Experiment with Graphic Novels

photo of book with pages being flipped throughSimilar to short stories, novellas, and poetry graphic novels are short pieces of literature with beautiful and detailed illustrations creating an immersive and visual experience. Trying out this genre is beneficial for breaking out of a reading slump because they’re short, they don’t have a lot of text, and they’re very visual with the artwork taking center stage.

Reading a few of these while you’re in a slump can revive your love for reading and inspire you to get back into reading longer pieces of literature and have fun with reading again.

Take A Break from Reading

Sometimes it all boils down to the fact that you need to take a break from reading period. Which is ok. Things happen in life. Priorities shift, we experience hows and lows, and all these things can impact your enjoyment and ability to read and enjoy the reading experience.

If this is the case it’s totally fine to take a break from reading and focus on the areas of your life that need your attention. You can always come back to reading when you’re ready. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Your books will be happily waiting for you to come back and enjoy them.

These are the tips that have helped me get out of my reading slump and reignite my joy and passion for reading. Which was your favorite tip? Is there a tip or hack that I didn’t mention? Share in the comments below! Until next time happy reading!

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